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Attitude Change

This is The Voice of Motivation where the great motivational speaker Ebba Tesfaye gives great psychological speeches that can help understand more about how to change your life and lead a better life. This the translation of one of Ebba T motivational video of the two men.


There used to be two men that lived in the same neighborhood. Both men have sons. Both kids always ask their fathers to get them or give them money. One of the father says to his son "money doesn't grow on trees" and the other father tells his son I will work and get you what ever you want or I will give you the money.

There was a mango tree in that neighborhood and the difference between this two kids perspective is the kid who has been told that money doesn't grow on trees had already blocked his mind and thought that getting money is hard and end up living a low class life but the kid who was told that his dad will get him money decided to gather the mangos and sell them in the market place and he got rich.

Most of the time we don't have positive attitude towards life. But when we do our brain gets creative, the capacity of knowing things will increase. We all complain our life not being complete yet we say "I don't have a job because I don't have a relative family that can get me hired, I don't have a job because I didn't learn or because I don't have enough money." If we don't appreciate what we have our brain stops thinking of all the great things we have because we are continuously thinking that we can't do it. If we have the great perspective as Haile G/Selassie, the perspective that we can do anything "yechalal" our life can change and it opens great opportunity doors.

Second example

There was a great old man that used to live in China. The old man is poor, has no money, and has one horse and one son that helps him in farming. The old man son always cultivate the land with that one horse and feeds his dad. One day the horse went missing in the forest and the old man was upset. People came to give the old man a condolences. But the old man said (lebgo yehun lemetfo man yawekal) meaning "who knows if it's for good or bad that this happened." The people were surprised. After 2 weeks the horse came back with herds of horses and the old man became rich in one night. People came to congrats the old man the old man told them "who knows if it's for good or bad that this happened." The next day his son was doing his daily job cultivating the land this time sitting on a horse he fells and broke his leg. People came to visit the son and the people who came to visit said its OK it happens but the old man said "who knows if it's for good or bad that this happened" every one said the old man is a psychopath. But the old men had a feeling something was about to happen. In The next two weeks Chinese soldiers forcefully took every strong and healthy teens and adults for an army base but that olds man son didn't go because his leg was broken.

The moral of this story is if you always think that things happen to you for a bad reason or because you are not lucky, you stop thinking all about the possible ways to get out of bad situations. We have to change the way how we view things.

It says 10% of our life is the things that happens to us and the 90% is the way we think for that 10% that occurred in our life. In other ways two people pass through hard times. One complains of how hard it is but the other guy says "worq worq endihon be esat wist malef alebet) meaning " If Gold wants to be Gold, it has to pass through fire."

So this men in both stories, their life had changed according to their perspective. If we fix the way we want to lead our life, we see all the good possibilities in life and we can live a better life.

By: Ebba T. Translation : Ye Sheger Painter

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